FPI's for the Business Owner who Wears Many Hats

As a small business owner you have to wear so many hats. Let's face it we have to wear just about every hat! It is hard work to work from home or out of a coffee shop. Sometimes you just don't have the resources to outsource all the jobs that it takes to run your business. We wear all of these hats:

General Manager. 

Marketing Manager. 

Advertising Manager. 

Publicity Director. 


Graphic Artist and Printer Liaison.

Mail List Supervisor.

Bulk Mail Expert. 

Order Fulfillment Clerk.

Shipping Clerk. 

Secretary and Customer Relations Service. .

File Clerk. 



Computer Expert.

Whew! I am exhausted just typing all of these.

One HAT that is not on this list is Personal Shopper. I dislike this hat because I have to really think when I wear this one. It requires memory and when you are a full on business owner, spouse, mom there's not much of that left after a full day at work. Am I right?! Here is method that I have developed for myself to keep my shopper hat on straight. 



  I make a list of FPI's, that's Frequently Purchased Items from each store to help me stay on track and not forget anything. I keep these lists in my phone in the notes app under each store name. I 

Here are two of my lists from a couple of stores. I don't visit these stores every week so when I shop there, I want to make sure I stock up on my FPI's

Dollar Tree List

Light bulbs (always need these)

Bar Soap 

Plastic forks 

Chicken stock (best deal in town, I stock up on these)




Dog treats

Decorations (so easy to grab some cute holiday decorations to brighten up your office or home)

Glass bowls

Reader glasses (they come in handy)

Ibuprofen & Medicines (no, they don't sell expired medicine here)

Greeting Cards

Balloons (party in the office, no problem grab a few $1 balloons & a card)


Toothbrushes (I stock up on these)


Trader Joe's List 

Coconut oil spray 

Napkins (nice enough to serve at a dinner party)

Cauliflower rice

Cuban Black Beans (so flavorful)

Portabella mushroom fries

Shrimp (Huge shrimp from Argentina, and they taste just like lobster, awesome price too)

Chicken fried rice (Love this easy meal helper, usually get two bags)

Rice crackers (these are the best. Found above frozen dessert sections)

Tiny peas (I love peas!)


Garlic aioli Mustard

Chicken lime burgers

Angus beef burgers

Broccoli slaw

Cruciferous slaw mix

Brussel sprouts (in a bag or fresh on the stalk when in season)

Avocado's number one


Tomatillo salsa (I make my Easy Posole Soup with this jar)

Jar Pesto

spaghetti sauce(w30)

Organic flours

Coconut milk

Clarified butter


Two Buck Chuck (Charles Shaw wines)

Bread (pano & seed bread)

Kosher dill pickles

Shampoo (not the eucalyptus one, comparable to Wen brand shampoo)

Greeting Cards (always need these, great price at just $1)

Flowers & herbs  

Moisturizer with SPF

Tom's Toothpaste

Yes, all of these items are my frequently purchased items for these stores. I don't buy each one of these when I shop these places but I like to be reminded of the items just in case. I use to hate it when I would get home and forgot to pick something up that only that store sells, or I was "forced" to purchase another brand or spend more for an item that I could have picked up earlier. 

Develop your own FPI's

You can develop your own list of FPI's to keep you from going crazy when you wear the shopper hat. Do it now, imagine yourself at your favorite store and head down each aisle. Make the list and then check it off when you shop. You can wear this hat with confidence that you won't forget a thing with your FPI list. 



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